Ive been living in Chile for the past 12 months and have been searching for the perfect dictionary and it still doesnt exists
-Offline Search and Conjugation
- Word History
- Word definitions include topical context for different verb/noun usage
- Adding Notes/Photos to words
- Lacks many Spanish words
-No ability to add additional words to the dictionary
- No ability to save/star favorite words
- No ability to see which words youve written notes on or added photos to
- Quiz feature doesnt provide a "Quiz Summary" so once you miss a word the answer is forever lost
- Dictionary turns down music on iPhone when in use. Difficult to use when traveling or studying as a result
- Theres no way to change order of phrases or phrase list.
- No ability to create custom lists. As a result "My Phrases" list is a huge list of words that dont exist in the dictionary, slang, and phrases.
- Phrases are not searchable. Now I have a list of 200+ phrases with no way to sort or search them. What a mess.